Security leaders, it’s time to own your data.

Skyrocketing SIEM costs and over-complicated telemetry pipelines are hurting your security posture. Stop paying for the logs you don’t use, onboard new data sources faster, and reduce noise for security analysts with CeTu’s AI-powered automation.


Route only the logs you need to reduce up to 70% of SIEM costs.


Configure and manage AI-enabled pipelines with zero code.


Understand telemetry flows with business and security context.

How it works

The CeTu Advantage

Where you are today

SIEM costs are high due to growing telemetry volumes

You rely on external IT teams to build complex observability pipelines.

Security data utilization is low, leading to critical insights being missed.

Where you’ll be with CeTu

Route the logs you need to SIEM, store the rest in inexpensive cloud storage

CeTu guides you through every step of building optimal telemetry pipelines. Add new data sources easily with built-in connectors.

All the data you need is available and can easily be ingested into SIEM or analytics tools.

Key Capabilities

Context-aware visibility into your data infrastructure

  • See the topography of your telemetry stack. Gain visibility into log movement across cloud and hybrid environments.
  • Automated SIEM analysis. CeTu continuously analyzes your SIEM policies to identify optimal data flows and transformations.
  • Get actionable suggestions to optimize costs and posture. CeTu will automatically suggest the best way to achieve your security goals, and highlight the potential cost savings.

AI-enabled telemetry pipelines

  • Chat with your security data: Explore and find relevant fields in complex security data with natural language.
  • Build pipelines with AI, templates, or drag and drop: No coding required, simply point at where your data needs to be and let CeTu work its magic.
  • Enrich and transform: Easily create new aggregations, metrics, or calculations.X

Unified data structure

  • Standardize your data. Streamline operations and ensure different teams are working on the same ground truth.
  • Simplify the process of adding new sources. Avoid weeks of data integration work and quickly onboard new security data. Eliminate blindspots in your security coverage.
  • Enable easier searching and filtering. Quickly drill down into relevant events or logs across diverse data sources.

Better Data. Better
Security. C’est Tout

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